Slow-motion in real

Time can take its own forms. For me it is just a dimension to live in. 

I just came across a tweet by uberfacts some days back. It said, “Small animals such as flies and hummingbirds experience time in slow motion, which is why they can avoid your newspaper swats.”. It ran me through a thought process, that led me to this.
Time is nothing but a dimension that humans created for measuring progress, or in a way to observe the changes. Before it all, there was no time, no matter, nothing. And thus time is subjective. It can take different values at different perspectives. 
Clock time, is the time we follow in our day to day lives. It is the time, that ticks on the clock. It is accurately 86400 seconds a day. And we have another concept called the Real time. It need not be 86400 seconds a day, as seconds is just a clock time unit. Thus we go a level deeper into the actual measurement of time.
Let us take the example of a car moving on a lane of road. The velocity of the car, is actually the displacement the car makes in time. Thus if the car keeps on moving in a same velocity, keeping the time a constant, the displacement made is the same. BUT, keeping the time constant is a condition. 
Our brain’s power of information processing is unmatchable to any other technology so as to compare its functionality practically. So theoretically, the brain’s power of sucking in information is the ratio between the data/information processed with the time it takes to process it.
Thus the time it takes to process it is a dependent variable. It can be real time, or the clock time. So imagining a hypothetical situation where, the brain’s power is taken to be a constant. Thus we can say that time is the ratio between the data/information process by the brain to the power of the brain. Thus when the data/information processed by the brain increases, the time is said to elongate. And this is exactly why during an accident, the subject can experience the accident for a solid 6 or 7 seconds whereas the observer might see it for only 1 second.
The amount of data the brain intakes during a emergency situation increases, and thus makes the time slower. This is called the real time. It can change according to the brains functionality. The clock time, irrespective of any other factors is a solid ticking man made dimension, which is always what we expect it to be.

Train your brains to suck in more information, and slow your own time. 


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